South African woman in a scrub suit symbolizing health and welfare careers

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Medical Field

Boss or Team



Good Communicator

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Math & Science


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Shorter Study


Busy Environment

Clinic Manager

Clinic managers oversee the day-to-day operations of clinics and other similar healthcare facilities.

The exact duties and responsibilities of clinic managers may vary, but they typically include:

  • recruiting, training, and managing clinic staff,
  • managing the clinic’s finances,
  • developing and implementing policies to ensure the smooth operation of the clinic and the efficient delivery of healthcare services, and
  • conducting periodic audits to ensure the clinic and its staff’s compliance with relevant laws and regulations

Skills that you would need if you aspire to be a clinic manager include the ability to think analytically, the ability to hone in on small details, the ability to manage resources effectively, and the ability to work with different types of people among other things.

How to be a Clinic Manager in South Africa

Get the Required Qualifications

The qualifications required to be a clinic manager in South Africa depends on the specific career path you wish to take, but you will typically need the following:

  1. Certificate (National Senior Certificate / NC(V) Specific requirements of the educational institution Learning Pathway) 
  2. Diploma (National Diploma in Health Services Administration)
  3. Bachelor’s Degree (Bachelor of Information Management)
  4. Post-graduate Degree (You can further your studies by pursuing a postgraduate diploma in Medical Informatics)

Demonstrate Competence in the Required Subjects

Different educational institutions may have different admission requirements; however, you will typically be required to demonstrate competency in the following subjects:

Accumulate Years of Relevant Study and Experience

Clinic managers in South Africa study and train anywhere between 1-3 years.

Find Relevant Employment Opportunities

There are plenty of employment opportunities for clinic managers in South Africa who often work in small and large clinics, hospitals and private medical practise.

Clinic Manager Related Careers

Related University Degrees

Universities Offering Clinic Management Programs in South Africa

Related Qualifications and Skills Programs

HW SETA Accredited

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