Opportunities await you in the Health and Wellness Sector

Start your career journey here

Find your perfect fit for the future

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We’ve made this career portal just for you, to help you with the big decisions that lie ahead.

Deciding on a career is no simple task. What fields do you enjoy? What are you good at? What are your options? What’s your dream job? And what will it take to get there?

Let’s answer these questions together.

South African nurse in a scrub suit wearing a stethoscope and carrying a medical file

Career Finder

When you think about the health and wellness sector, you probably start thinking of doctors, dentists and nurses. But the sector spans far beyond that. Think of veterinarians, lab technicians, social auxillary workers and pharmacy assistants. Then there are specialist surgeons, podiatrists and paediatricians. The list goes on.

With more than 70 career options to consider, our career finder will break down the basics for you and get you closer to finding your perfect fit.

Female South African veterinarian cuddling with a dog

Career Quiz

With an A-Z of exciting career options to choose from, you may find yourself pulled in a few different directions. But our quick career quiz will help put you on the right track.

After answering some questions based on your skills, interest, personality and background, we’ll make some suggestions on where to focus your attention.

Learn about your career options
based on your skills, interests, personality
educational background and preferences.

South African woman pointing to career opportunities

Career Guidance

Even if you know exactly which career you want, there’s still a long road ahead. We’re here to help you navigate it. From picking your high school subjects to choosing your qualification, to finding the right employment opportunity, our career guidance portal will help you answer the important questions. This includes information on funding, bursaries and how to get that all too important work experience.

Start your career journey today.

Register on this portal and gain access to helpful information,
valuable advice, and insight into your future.