Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is a great way to learn about the work environment, occupational skills in practice and the value of professional training. Job shadows are best done while they’re actively working on something so you’ll also get an idea of their day-to-day tasks. If possible, try asking questions during your visit or watch them speak with others who might be coming into contact with that person’s job function too.

Job shadowing is a chance for someone who wants to enter a profession but doesn’t know much about it yet – like students still deciding what they want to do when they grow up.

They can experience it first hand by following around one or more people doing those jobs from sunup until sundown or over two consecutive days just as if you were hired onto their team temporarily!

You may not need such long hours at your dream occupation someday (though some professions require this), but even these few short hours will give you valuable information!

The idea is that the student will see what it entails to be employed in a certain industry. By doing this, students experience firsthand how their education correlates with real-life work scenarios and can make an informed decision about which careers they might want to pursue as adults.

Finding job shadowing opportunities

There are 3 main methods people use to ask to job shadow:

Company Websites

Once you find a company that interests you, look them up on the internet. Some companies may receive a lot of job shadow requests and will often include an application form for it on their website.

Network through family and friends

You might already know someone you can shadow. An easy way to ask for a job shadowing opportunity is to ask friends and family if they know anyone who does the job you are interested in. If they do, they might be willing to make a request on your behalf.

Not only are they more likely to agree, but they may also be more willing to help to make the experience more relaxed and ease some of the formalities and introductions.

Reach out on social media

The social media team can help you locate the appropriate person to speak with and may be able to provide an email address or phone number for them. However, don’t expect a response immediately.