Beyond the results: Advice for school leavers aiming to work in healthcare

The end of high school is an exciting time. With your grade 12 results in hand, you finally have an idea of the options open to you in the next phase of your education! Perhaps you have your eye on medical school, and have what it takes to get in. Or, on the other hand, your matric results might not be quite what you had hoped for. You might be left wondering which opportunities are right for you.

The kind of matric pass you’ve obtained will be the deciding factor in whether you can attend a TVET (technical and educational vocational and training) college or a university. This article covers your options after high school, whichever category of matric pass you may have received!

HWSETA Funding
Funding is not directly awarded to individual students but through universities, through their financial aid department/student support.

Higher Certificate Pass
The good news is: you don’t need to have straight As or even maths and science to start your career in the health and welfare sector! There are countless opportunities ranging from administrative, hands-on, and support roles that could just be right for you. The question really is: where do you need to study next?

With a Higher Certificate Pass, you can register for a National Certificate in fields like marketing, administration, management, and accounting to name a few – all of which are skills much needed in the healthcare sector! These certificates are done at a TVET college which take three years to complete.

Another option is to register for a bridging course at a TVET college. This will get you up to speed on the skills you need to start your diploma. You could also enter a trade school, or simply start your in-house training at a relevant company.

Diploma Pass (NQF6)
With this pass, you have the same options as the Higher Certificate Pass and then some! You can register for a diploma course at universities, and universities of technology.

How does a diploma differ from a degree? It’s a slightly shorter programme, with a much larger practical component. It’s not just about learning, but about doing.

Examples of diplomas in the health and welfare sector include nursing, Bio-Medical Technology, Clinical Technology, Somatology and Business administration. For more ideas, visit the Health and Welfare SETA career guidance portal.

A Bachelor’s Pass (NQF7)
With this level of pass, any tertiary institution in South Africa is open to you – provided you meet the requirements of your chosen field, of course. You can apply to start your undergraduate degree – which is usually a three- to four-year, highly academic programme.

It’s helpful to remember that not all health- and welfare-related professions require you to have straight As or high marks for math and science. While we all like to think of doctors, veterinarians and psychologists in the sector, there are many other opportunities perfect for you like Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy. Careers in social work or healthcare administration might also be just what you’re looking for!

A Careful Decision
Have a profession in mind? Why not organise job shadowing, an internship or some volunteer work so you can get a feel for what’s in store?

Whatever path you choose, remember to think about it carefully and don’t be afraid to speak to family members, friends and teachers. They might have ideas that you haven’t considered, or could spot some of your hidden strengths that they think you should pursue.

In the end though, it’s also up to you to do some research. The Career Guidance Portal from the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) is packed with resources to help with your decision. Whether you’re looking for the right qualification, TVET college, university or career goal, our portal has the answers you need.